Band of Parents Featured as Little Loving Hand’s Recipient Charity in September for Childhood Cancer Awareness Month

New York – September 1, 2016 –Band of Parents (BOP) is partnering with Little Loving Hands (LLH), a company that encourages kids to learn about important causes and spread hope to others, to be September’s recipient charity celebrating Children's Cancer Awareness month. LLH will spotlight BOP as its target charity and help spread awareness of neuroblastoma. Neuroblastoma is a pediatric cancer that starts in the early nerve cells (called neuroblasts) of the sympathetic nervous system. LLH will disseminate information and provide materials for children to create beautiful crafts that will be sent to the children fighting this terrible illness at hospitals including Memorial Sloan Kettering (MSKCC) and The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, (CHOP).

Band of Parents helps patients like Nick – whose life was saved by an experimental antibody (Hu3F8) funded from BOP’s efforts in raising $2,000,000 for essential research. Nick is a thriving 18 year old today, who loves fishing, and according to Future is positioned to be the youngest Angler of the Year winner in future Pro Tour History. Today, this therapy has become a vital part of saving more precious lives and is used to treat children every week. Your donations will fund science like this and help save children’s lives.

Founder of Little Loving Hands, Lily Yeh said, “Knowing that Band of Parents helps get these new treatments to children whose last hope this may be, makes us proud to partner with Band of Parents in support of this mission, It’s about fostering the power of kids helping kids.”

The awareness of our mission that we continue to grow within the pediatric cancer community over the last few years could not be possible without the support of our donors, and companies such as LLH. We are eager to see how we can raise even more money for the children battling neuroblastoma, and getting more treatments funded. “said Dr. Jill Ostrager-Cohen, President of Band of Parents.

To learn more or pledge a donation, please visit

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Band of Parents Executive Director- Sharon Abramzon

Little Loving Hands, Founder, Lily Yeh